Factors in Diagnostic Error – Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine

People may assume that diagnostic errors result from sub-optimal care. While this cause is possible, rarely does it explain the problem. — Read on http://www.improvediagnosis.org/factors-in-diagnostic-error/

Talking with the patient

Reginald Hall: Talking with the patient September 21, 2018, The BMJ Hearing the doctor say, “I’m sorry, it’s not good news: it’s cancer,” is almost always devastating and for those who hear it life is seldom the same again. Although many improvements in the treatment of cancer have been achieved and the causes of some …

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Tuberculosis: a disease of the poor

Published by  Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine. Newsletter - Issue 68. March 15, 2017 Tuberculosis is mainly a social problem: it is related to extreme poverty and spreads easily in crowded places, where light is dimmer and air barely circulates. In Brazil, the four vulnerable populations are the homeless prison inmates HIV patients indigenous populations who usually …

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Aumento da população em situação de rua em Porto Alegre

Publicado por FASC e por SMS em 15/12/2016 e em Zero Hora em 16/12/2016 Dos 2115 adultos encontrados pelos pesquisadores vivendo nas ruas da Capital, 1758 aceitaram responder aos questionários. “Essa grande participação nos garante um diagnóstico mais preciso sobre quem são, o que pensam, como vivem essas pessoas e se o atendimento a elas tem …

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Atenção à População Adulta de Rua

Publicado por SMS de Porto Alegre Ações de Atenção à População Adulta de Rua Buscam integrar os serviços prestados aos moradores de rua, ampliar e qualificar as ações e sensibilizar a população sobre as questões que levam pessoas à vida nas ruas e suas implicações. Serviços Próprios Serviço de Atendimento Social de Rua Aborda e identifica moradores de …

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HIV and Mental Health

Published by AidsInfo on October 19, 2016 Living with HIV: HIV and Mental Health Key Points Mental health is defined as a state of overall well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his …

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